ROBOT3D - Robot Offline Programming & Simulation

Case Studies


Example 1 - Bisiach & Carru TAURUS ROBOT

For a measure of the ROBOT3D system performance the programming of a typical spot weld application with an underframe and two sideframes of a train carshell has taken in SOREFAME - ADtranz (ABB /DAIMLER-BENZ Portuguese train manufacturer) about 2 months (40.000 spot welds) against 6 month achieved with a concurrent state of the art offline system.

With the ROBOT3D system is possible to reduce the time for the simulation of programs very drastically. To have an idea a program with 2000 locations can be simulated in about 10 minutes in a DX2/66 MHz machine.

To achieve this performance the ROBOT3D system is based on industrial robot concepts and user friendly interface. It allies simplicity and powerful features allowing to develop complete robot programs in a very efficient way. This is the key to productivity.

Sorefame as 3 running licences of the software.



Bisiach & Carru Robot

Robot Simulation


Robot Simulation


Example 2 - IRB2000 Robot



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Copyright © 2008, Francisco J.C. Fernandes, Last Updated - 28-3-2019 10:00:00